The Timeline view allows you to visualize events horizontally with separate timelines arranged from left to right.
These instructions cover initialization of Timeline view in ASP.NET using DHTMLX Scheduler .NET web control. You'll learn how to customize it in different modes ('bar', 'cell', 'tree', 'days'), load data to the view, assign event to multiple sections of the view, and define CSS style for timeline view to create different templates. To evaluate timeline view see this demo.
To initialize the Timeline view and add it to the scheduler, use the code below:
public ActionResult Index() {
var sched = new DHXScheduler(this);
var context = new DHXSchedulerDataContext();
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id"); // initializes the view
sched.Views.Add(timeline); // adds the view to the scheduler
timeline.AddOptions(context.Rooms); // defines Y-Axis items. 'Rooms' is the name of mapping data table
return View(sched);
Code samples used through the documentation, use LINQ to SQL to access database
For each LINQ to designer file added to the solution, Visual Studio automatically generates a LINQ to the DataContext class. DataContext class used in the code samples is named as DHXSchedulerDataContext.
To configure the Timeline view, make use of the properties below:
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id"); // initializes the view
timeline.FitEvents = false;
timeline.X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Hour;
timeline.X_Step = 30;
timeline.X_Size = 24; // (8PM - 8AM)/30min
timeline.X_Start = 16; // 8AM/30min
timeline.X_Length = 48; // 24/30min
The second X_Axis is placed in the top of the default one and serves to group time intervals of the original scale.
You can add it by means of the AddSecondScale() method:
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id");
timeline.AddSecondScale(TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day, "%F %d");
The method takes 2 parameters:
The view can be used in four modes:
The desired mode is set by the RenderMode parameter:
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id");
timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Tree;
In general, to set values for the Y-Axis in the 'Bar' and 'Cell' modes, you should use the AddOptions() method. The method can take 2 types of data:
timeline.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("1", "Department 1"));
var rooms = new List<object>(){
new { key = "1", label = "Room 1"},
new { key = "2", label = "Room 2"},
new { key = "3", label = "Room 3"}
Note, to be processed correctly data items must have 2 mandatory properties:
The 'Tree' mode allows defining hierarchical structure of items. Here you have 2 variants to choose from:
1) To add items individually
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id");
timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Tree;
var section = timeline.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("1", "Department 1", true)); // adds folder to the axis
section.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("2", "Room 1") ); // defines the items of the folder
section.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("3", "Room 2") );
var section2 = timeline.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("4", "Department 2", true));
section2.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("5", "Room 1") );
section2.AddOption( new TimelineUnit("6", "Room 2") );
where the TimelineUnit constructor takes three parameters:
2) To add a collection(s) of items
var context = new DHXSchedulerDataContext();
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id");
timeline.FolderEventsAvailable = false;
timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Tree;
foreach (var department in context.Departments)
TimelineUnit section = new TimelineUnit(department.Id, department.Title); // defines the header of the folder
section.AddOptions( department.Rooms ); // 'Rooms' in the name of model data table
Note, if you use a data collection (not model objects) for specifying the axis, its items must have 2 mandatory properties (the same as for the Bar and Cell modes) in order to be correctly processed: key and label.
The 'Days' mode allows using days as a sections of a Timeline.
You can specify the number of days through the Days property of the TimelineView object:
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "");
timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Days;
timeline.Days = 7; // full week
Unlike basic views (such as Day, Month, Year etc.), multiple-resource views (that are Units and Timeline) require data items to have one more mandatory field:
public ActionResult Index()
var sched = new DHXScheduler(this);
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "room_id");
timeline.AddOptions(new List{
new { key = "1", label = "Room 1"},
new { key = "2", label = "Room 2"},
new { key = "3", label = "Room 3"}
sched.LoadData = true;
return View(scheduler);
public ActionResult Data()
{//events for loading to scheduler
var items = new List(){
new { id = "1", text = "Conference", start_date = "17.09.2012 12:00",
end_date = "18.09.2012 21:00", room_id = "1"},
new { id = "2", text = "Meeting", start_date = "17.09.2012 09:00",
end_date = "17.09.2012 21:00", room_id = "2"},
new { id = "3", text = "Meeting", start_date = "18.09.2012 09:00",
end_date = "18.09.2012 21:00", room_id = "2"},
new { id = "4", text = "Conference", start_date = "17.09.2012 15:00",
end_date = "18.09.2012 15:00", room_id = "3"}
var data = new SchedulerAjaxData(items);
return data.Render();
A single event can be assigned to several sections of Timeline or Units view.
To enable multisection events:
var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(this);
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "y_property");
timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Bar;
var options = new object[]{
new {key = 1, label = "Section #1" },
new {key = 2, label = "Section #2" },
new {key = 3, label = "Section #3" },
new {key = 4, label = "Section #4" }
Optional multiselect configuration:
scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxText("text", "Title"));
var multiselect = new LightboxMultiselect("y_property", "Sections");
scheduler.Lightbox.Add(new LightboxMiniCalendar("time", "Time"));
After that, the related property of an event can contain several sections (by default, separated with comma) and the event will be displayed in all specified properties:
public ContentResult Data()
var evs = new List{
new { text = "First", start_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 1), end_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 4), y_property = "1,3"},
new { text = "Second", start_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 3), end_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 5), y_property = "2,4"},
new { text = "Third", start_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 2), end_date =new DateTime(2014, 8, 8), y_property = "1"},
new { text = "Fourth", start_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 4), end_date = new DateTime(2014, 8, 5), y_property = "3"}
return Content(new SchedulerAjaxData(evs).Render());
Scheduler supports loading Timeline and Units options with the data response.
In order to do so, you need to specify the 'ServerList' property of the Timeline view, the name is arbitrary:
var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "section_id") {
RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Bar,
X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day,
X_Size = 7,
X_Date = "%d"
timeline.ServerList = "sections";
During data loading you can add a list of timeline options to the SchedulerAjaxData object (note that the name of the list must be the same in both places, 'sections' in this example)
var data = new SchedulerAjaxData(events);
data.ServerList.Add("sections", new List{
new { key = "1", label = "Section 1" },
new { key = "2", label = "Section 2" },
new { key = "1", label = "Section 3" }
After that sections will be refreshed on the client automatically. See more details here