Scheduler.NET Features
DHTMLX Scheduler .NET provides all essential features that allow you to create rich and highly customizable event and booking calendars for ASP.NET/MVC/MVC3 Razor apps.
Check out the full list of features or view live demos. The full 30-day trial version of Scheduler .NET is available for download.
Now the scheduler comes with four skins: classic, glossy, terrace and and the new trendy flat skin. You can choose which one suits your app design most. For the classic and glossy skins Online Skin Builder is available. It allows you to customize the colors of the skin and make the scheduler look good with your design.
Moreover, now you can customize the display of calendar events and define custom html containers for event boxes. The duration of an event is displayed in each event box.
It is possible to customize events and make them transparent by changing their opacity and css transition speed.
You can create a wide details form, if you need to add many inputs to the form. Increasing the width of the lightbox, you make it more compact and convenient to use.
With a flexible time scale the display of days/hours in the calendar can be customized. For example, you can hide unnecessary week days or hours in the horizontal time scale. Or you can add extra week days to the calendar view.