We are excited to announce the minor update of DHTMLX Scheduler .NET to the version 3.2 that involves some significant improvements and multiple minor fixes.
This update is marked by enhanced performance of the timeline view, updated bootstrap compatibility, improved Ajax loading, and more useful features.
Here is an overview of all improvements introduced in this update:
- Updated Bootstrap compatibility
- Improved performance of Timeline view
- Updated dynamic loading of Timeline and Units views sections and Marked Timespans
- Ability to customize the layout of recurring form
- Support of REST mode
- Updated D'n'D of multisection events
- Updated client-side API for handling network and server errors
- Ability to delay rendering mode (performance option)
- Improved data export to iCal and Excel (online service)
- Fixed compatibility with DHTMLX Suite 4.0+
Faster Time Rendering
We did our best to decrease time rendering by 2-3 times in the timeline view, which makes Scheduler .NET work perfectly on touch screen devices, such as iPad, iPhone, Android Tablets, and more.
We've also added a new setting that reduces the number of redrawing of the scheduler. Generally it means more responsive UI in most cases.
Full Bootstrap Support
Besides, starting from the version 3.2 you get a web scheduler that is fully compatible with Bootstrap - HTML5 and CSS3 framework.
Improved Ajax Loading
Scheduler .NET 3.2 demonstrates improved Ajax loading. Now you can easily load sections of timeline and units view or marked/blocked timespan in your calendar.
Customizable Recurring Events Layout
Now you can change the form markup for recurring events and remove unneccessary elements from the form making it simple and user-friendly. You can also set your own default values for inputs. For example, you can set ‘no end date’ for recurring events and hide the block that specifies the recurrance end date.

New Client-Side API
We added client-side API for handling network and server errors connected with data saving and loading.
Separate Dragging of MultiSection Events
Now you can drag multisection events that are assigned to different resources at the same time, as separate events. Previously, if you changed the position of one multisection event, the position of the same event assigned to another resource was also changed.

Improved data export to iCal and Excel
Starting from version 3.2, DHTMLX Scheduler .NET can use the online service for data export into Excel and iCal.
Other Enhancements
Other features include support of REST mode and fixed compatibility with DHTMLX Suite 4.0+
We also provide detailed documentation with code snippets to help you out with the updated web control.
Get Scheduler .NET 3.2 right now.

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