Q: Why is Scheduler rendered incorrectly?

A: Check styles of the scheduler container. It must have a valid size in pixels or percents. If the size is defined in percents - be sure that the parent container has some height settings as well.

When Scheduler is placed directly in body , you need to have the next css style, to use the percent-based height correctly:

html, body{
	height:100%; /*mandatory*/
Q: Scheduler works in the development environment, but does not work when I deploy to the website?

A: To simplify initialization, Scheduler generates paths to actions and codebase folders automatically, setting by default as:

  • sitename/Scripts/dhtmlxScheduler;
  • sitename/ControllerName/Data;
  • sitename/ControllerName/Save.

But the site where you deploy Scheduler can have another structure of directories and Scheduler will fail to run correctly.

All you need to do is to redefine the paths, like shown in the example below:

var scheduler = new DHXScheduler();
scheduler.Codebase = Url.Content("~/Scripts/dhtmlxScheduler");
scheduler.SaveAction = Url.Action("Save", "ControllerName");
scheduler.DataAction = Url.Action("Data", "ControllerName");

where Url - System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper

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